Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Character Building

Wrestling builds character.

How many times have we heard that and nodded wisely?

How many times have we actually thought about what it means to build character?

Here are my thoughts on it:

For me, wrestling is only a little bit about learning how to wrestle. The rest of the value comes from overcoming the challenges it places before young men and women as they enter adulthood.

It teaches them to show up on time. No employer in the world will long tolerate lateness.

It teaches them to prioritize. Education has to come first. So, if you are to be a student athlete, you must learn how to get your homework done and still compete.

It teaches them to not settle if they don't want to. There is nothing you can do about how tall you are or your shoe size. But you can always do something about where you fall within the wrestling hierarchy. If there is someone that is better than you, and that bothers you; then you can work to become better yourself. It's in your hands. You have control. If the team lacks discipline, step up and take a leadership role. If you have fear, identify it and find a way to overcome it.

There are so many challenges. So many opportunities to grow.

Yes, wrestling builds character...sort of. I think it exposes character and then let's the wrestler decide if he/she wants to take up the challenge.

There are those that face the uphill climb, straighten their shoulders and then take off up the slope.

Then there are those that turn away to find an easier path.

Who are you?

It t

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back Flip to Low Single

I am starting to get into the more advanced moves now. This one works...apparently. However, I have never tried it.