Monday, October 25, 2010


Most kids, entering a wrestling program for the very first time, think that wrestling is about strength.  It doesn't take long for them to find out differently.  The first day, take a big newbie and put him against a much smaller, much more skilled wrestler and the issue is soon resolved.

Skills trump strength. 

I would prioritize those things a wrestler needs in the following order:

An attitude of "I can do it."
Stamina (aerobic and anaerobic)
Strength (Grip first.  No grip means all the other muscle just puts you in a higher weight class)

By the end of the first season, wrestlers come to realize the above are essentially correct; but not purely so.  If you know 5% more moves than me but I am twice as strong, then maybe strength wins that battle.

Two more weeks until the start of the season.


Friday, October 22, 2010


One of the things I intend to do with this blog is to post instructional videos.  I will tape them as the coach teaches them throughout the season.  The wrestlers will then be able to review the lessons as they wish.

Here is a sample video:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Best Sport - Period


If you are reading this, you are either a fan of wrestling or, you thought this was a blog about WWF.  If it's the later, "hasta la vista, baby."

I wrestled in high school and college.  While not the world's greatest wrestler, I won more than my share.  More importantly, I came away from the sport a different person than I was when I first went in.

I started as a high school freshman.  I weighed 80 pounds.  Back then, the lightest weight class was 95 pounds.  I could make weight fully clothed with all of my school books in my arms.  That very first year, I lost 50% of my matches.

But I learned how to win over time.

I am blogging to satisfy my need to stay in touch with the sport.  I coach wrestling at Novato High School.  My son is on the team.  I watch it on those rare occasions it is on television.  I read about it.  I dream about it.

An now I blog about it.

Feel free to join me.
